To submit your single, album, mixtape, press release, or video please use the form below. For Album/EP/mixtape submissions, your songs should be a mp3 or soundcloud link ONLY!
We screen material for quality. Righteousness, sound quality and lyricism impact our decisions on what music to promote. We desire to highlight the hidden gems in the CHH genre and it is our duty to promote music that is of the highest skill and quality.
If for some reason the form is not working, remove your attachments and submit again. We will email you asking for the missing media.
Tips For A Successful Music Submission
- All music submissions must include a picture to be featured on the website.
- Include text with your music submission. We get hundreds of submissions every month and we want to give your new and loyal fans something to read.
- Including lyrics is ENCOURAGED!!
- The more sources of music, the better
- Please list all streaming services so new and loyal fans can listen to your music on their favorite streaming service.
- All uploaded MP3’s will be uploaded to our Soundcloud. Please include your Soundcloud information so we can properly give you credit. Uploaded MP3’s will also be sent to our partner online radio stations and partner local radio stations in the United States and across the world
- Connect with us on social media
- Following Lucky Murray (imluckymurray) on Twitter will increase your likelihood of a faster submission process. Make sure you include your Twitter link in you submission so we can tag you when we promote your music!
- Liking Lucky Murray on Facebook will help us tag you in your promotion.
- Follow us on Instagram to stay up-to-date on special deals, discounts and discover new artists.
- Have you signed up for our email list? You DON’T want to avoid that.
- Due to large submission activity, your submission may not get posted until a month after you submit it. If you would like to promote your music on a specific date or within the next few days, consider boosting your post- more detail is below the submit button.
- Content Submissions
- Use this form to submit: Singles, Free Albums/Mixtapes, & Music Videos
- If you want to join the FREE CHH Now Community Click On The Link Below