..And what amazing content displayed in this EP for such a time as this.
During the thick of things, in a Global Pandemic, I don’t think we as human-beings thought things could get any worse. There are many facets and layers to a pandemic on the side of cause or effect. However, when you throw in a heated presidential election and several murders of unarmed black lives, that’s enough to make anyone spiral and forget the sovereignty of God
J.Conic gives us a fresh mental start in his EP, “NONSTOP”. He brings us into a realm of possibilities that some of us may not believe can unfold in such turmoil the earth is facing right now. There is a theme of celebration in his lyrics that gives the notion of all things new. But will you receive it my friend? Will you hear J. Conic out and see if these sweet possibilities can be your reality.
NONSTOP drops TODAY on all major streaming services. Looking for hope? Look to Jesus. Nonetheless, allow J.Conic to express what Jesus has expressed to him about the newness of this season we’re currently in.